Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Futuristic Interview With Romeo of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet
A Futuristic Interview With Romeo SCENE I: Setting: On the set of ‘Time Voyager', a new television series. Characters: ANN - Announcer ROMEO - Romeo ANN: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome again to this week's edition of Time Voyager. In case this is the first time you have tuned in and are unfamiliar with the concept, let me explain it to you. Modern technology today allows us to go back in time, as you probably know already. We do just that - go back and visit those times and places that had so much mystery, so much darkness, and so little knowledge. Our current model of time machine is the best that money can buy and has been completely tested for safety so we will not... as they say... leave someone ‘behind the times.' So sit back, relax, and watch as the past becomes the present. (Lights dim, machine hums, beam of light appears center stage. Through the beam, people are visible, walking seemingly unaware of the new presence.) ANN: The place is Verona, Italy, and the year is 1523. To be precise, the third of May. (Romeo cautiously peers into light beam. It seems he is the only one aware of it.) ANN: (To Romeo) Do not be afraid, come forward. (Beckons with hand) ROMEO: What is this? ANN: Sir, I apologize for this sudden interruption of your day. Perhaps you would like me to explain? ROMEO: (Steps onto stage out of light beam. Beam dies) What has happened to me? Have I died? Is this the other world? What do you want of me? ANN: No, you are not dead, rather transported to another time... ROMEO: You talk no sense! Your head must be full of bugs and insects! And, if you do not mind, what are those strange machines in the corner? (Points at video camera) ANN: Those are recorders - recording you as you are currently here speaking to us. They can put the images - moving images - so that we may view them later. Right now, they are sending the images through the air to millions of people... ROMEO: What year is this? You have many strange devices, for example, lights that have no candles behind them, screens that record my movements, and all these strange new materials, it is rather... mind-boggling... that is, if you are telling the truth... ANN: The year is 2174. Yes, I am telling the truth. We have machines that tell if you are telling the truth now. ROMEO: How do I know you are telling the truth about machines that tell if you tell the truth?
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