Thursday, January 30, 2020
Child Beauty Pageants Essay Example for Free
Child Beauty Pageants Essay Sparkling tiaras, beautiful gowns, glamorous hair and make-up; One would believe that this would be every little girl’s dream. Unfortunately this dream often turns into a horrible nightmare. The popularity of child beauty pageants seems to be rising every year causing more and more controversy. There are many different views and concerns that people seem to have on these types of pageants. Many of them do not agree with children being forced to fulfill their parents dream by taking place in a beauty pageant. The history of beauty pageants became part of the American society around the 1920’s. They originated as a marketing tool in 1921 by an Atlantic City hotel owner who was trying to attract tourist. Since then, pageants have become a major event in the lives of Americans. The online article written by Kareen Nussbaum exclaims that it wasn’t until the 1960’s when child beauty pageants really began. Back then, child pageants consist of modeling sportswear, evening attire, dance, and talent. The judging was based on the individual’s looks, talent, poise, perfection, and level of confidence. Pageants were conducted at political, educational, and entertainment venues. Many were scholarships were being offered through pageants, and beneficial programs were being facilitated. The pageantry world helped introduced a face to the faceless troubles of racism, handicaps, and illnesses. Since that time, a lot in the pageant industry has changed. Nowadays, they are anything buy conservative. Beauty pageants, like the ones on the show Toddlers and Tiaras, are not about natural looks but are based on such superficial things such as who has the most make up and best tan. Parents have a major role in most child beauty pageants. There are very few children who participate in pageantry without their parents. They are the ones who provide the money and connection into the pageant world. Several families who start their child in beauty pageants have generations of competitors that include grandmas, mothers, kids, and grandkids. Many believe that the mothers of children that are involved in beauty pageants live vicariously through their children. Too often, pageant moms have only one thing on their mind and that is for their child to win! Having their own mother/parent as their role model, the child will most likely have that same kind of attitude causing many problems throughout their life. There are many other reasons why child beauty pageants are unnecessary in today’s society. As children, they are most likely forced into the beauty pageants. Being too young to say no, the parents take control. Beauty pageants also sexualize young girls too early. They are exposed and become familiar with â€Å"womanly†items such as padded bras, high heels, and make-up. Instead of acting like their own age, the little girls believe to think they are older than they really are. High heels aren’t made for small feet. They needlessly push the child’s weight forward causing lower back pain and hindering proper development of their feet. Sometimes younger girls are forced to wear heels outside of pageants, because their feet have grown in a way that makes wearing other shoes uncomfortable. Hairspray is the most common widely used product in child pageants. Unfortunately, too much hairspray can actually stunt growth. The Psychology Corner claims that it contains certain chemicals that act as hormone disruptors that could be harmful to the body, and is linked to stunted growth and even lung cancer! If child beauty pageants weren’t allowed, these kinds of troubles wouldn’t be so prevalent. Cognitive and emotional problems are probably the most dangerous problems that beauty pageants can cause. They are capable to leading to many different kinds of disorders that could ruin a child’s life. A 2007 report by the American Psychological Association found that the hypersexualization of young girls is strongly associated with eating disorders, low self-esteem, and depression. Psychologists and psychiatrists largely agree that pageants reinforce negative female body image issues that result in eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Beauty competitions emphasize the barbie doll image of what a beauty queen should look like. The problem with having that image is that there is no way for a person to be able to look like that. Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average woman, now they weigh 23% less according to the Oprah Winfrey Network. Although Zinzi Williams states that many of the beauty pageants take part in community service, delivering a social message and help in bringing up funds for charity, numerous of them are exaggerated and mess with a young child’s mind. For about fifty years, beauty pageants have been teaching children to behave as young adults rather than acting their own age. Rather than focusing primarily on the idea of competition, pageants for younger children should be created to concentrate on the child’s talent, intelligence, poise, and confidence. While there can be some positive aspects of children beauty pageants, the physical and mental health of the participants will only continue to exacerbate. Works Cited 5 Facts about Beauty Pageants. Oprah Winfrey Network. Harpo Productions, 2012. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Nussbaum, Kareen. Children and Beauty Pagaents. Beauty Pagaents. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Toddlers and children beauty pageants – Risk factors for severe psychological turmoils. Psychology Corner. Psychology Corner, n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Williams, Zinzi. Beauty Pageants and its Effects on Children. Purduecal. N.p., 6 Dec. 2010. Web. 3 Dec. 2012.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Young Offenders Act In Canada :: essays research papers fc
Young Offenders Act in Canada      The subject of young offenders in our troubled society has been one that has generated many hours of thought and meditation for concerned members. It is felt by many that the change needed in the area of delinquency within the First Nations culture is to overcome the effects of colonization and this must begin with the youth. It is with the youth that the future of the culture lies.      There has been extensive research done in this area and although much of the material is not directed at one specific culture in society, the facts remain that it is a problem that is growing in epidemic proportions. Many of the programs that exist in society today do not address the problems associated with young offenders of specific cultures. Although the trend is moving in a direction that addresses programs for specific cultural groups much more emphasis must be put on these programs.      For First Nations youth that are locked into the juvenile system, there must be alternative treatment programs made available that deal with the problems associated with the colonization process that generations of First Nations people have been subjected to. The process of decolonization will only be achieved through education, understanding, and perseverance, and this can only be achieved by First Nations people working with First Nations people.      As indicated earlier much research has been done on the problems associated with young offenders and the current treatment programs. In the following research some of the most recent and important pieces have been used and to eliminate repetition much has been deemed unnecessary. Bibliography Cooke, David J., Baldwin, Pamela J., Howison, Jacqueline. (1990).      Psychology in Prisons. London: Routledge.      In the second chapter of this book the authors explain in detail the psychology of criminal behavior and how it develops at a young age. Early environment of the adolescent, along with socio-economic status of the young offenders are but a few of the possibilities explored in this book. The authors explore the many influences that can shape the lives of young people, the influences of feelings and thoughts, others behavior, and surroundings, are all thought to shape the minds of the young offender. This publication will be primarily used to explore the history and causes of the subject of young offenders. Davidson II, William S., Rednor, Robin,. (1990). Alternative Treatments for Troubled Youth: The Case of Diversion From The Justice System. New York: Plenum Press.      This publication presents the findings of a research study done on alternative interventions with delinquent youth. The authors goal in writing this book was to describe an alternative intervention model and to examine its
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Discuss Why Hydrogen Bonding Is Essential for Life Essay
Throughout biochemistry there are many bonds without which life as it is on earth today would not be possible. One of the most important bonds of these is the hydrogen bond, a weak chemical bond that is present in essential biological molecules such as water and polypeptides. A hydrogen bond is defined by Campbell and Reece as occurring when a hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to an electronegative atom but attracted to another electronegative atom. In water molecules, there are several key reasons why hydrogen bonds can be formed and explaining them in water a good way to show the chemistry. Firstly, the presence of covalent bond between the hydrogen and the oxygen means that the electrons in the outer shells of both atoms are shared- 1 electron from hydrogen and 1 electron from oxygen. Since the 2 electrons are shared, they are free to move within the covalent bond to the atom that is the most electronegative. In the case of water, this is oxygen. As a result of the electrons moving to the oxygen side of the bond, the hydrogen becomes less electron-dense and becomes a slight positive charge known as a delta-positive charge. It is this positive charge that has the ability to attract other negatively charged objects, since opposite electrostatic charged atoms attract each other. On the oxygen atom of each water molecule there is a lone pair of electrons that are negatively charged, which makes oxygen delta-negative. This means that between water molecules, the delta-positive hydrogen of one molecule is able to attract a lone pair of electrons from the delta-negative oxygen atom of another water molecule (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 Hydrogen bonding in water A hydrogen bond, however, is comparatively weak to covalent or ionic bond, as much as 22 times time weaker [Libes 2009], so in order to explain why hydrogen bonds are so necessary in life it is perhaps not significant that hydrogen bonds are weak on their own, since the majority of their use within strong structures is facilitated by their strength as a large number of hydrogen bonds. For example, the fundamental strength of tendons and skin lies within the many hydrogen bonds in the collagen protein. For formation of collagen, the strength of hydrogen bonds is required to firstly join two amino acid chains (polypeptides) together into a helix. Three helices are then bound into a triple helix by yet more hydrogen bonds. The result is a fibrous quaternary protein structure with a high tensile strength that the mammalian skeletal muscles could not function without. Tendons attach skeletal muscles to their respective bones and we would simply not be able to move without them. Other uses of hydrogen bonds in proteins include contributing to the specific conformational shape of globular proteins, called protein folding. A precise 3D shape is required in most enzymes so that the shape of binding site (active site) is complementary to the chemical reacting with the enzyme (substrate). Hydrogen bonds are essential, along with ionic bonds, covalent bonds, disulphide bonds and hydrophobic interactions, for making secondary structures (i.e. alpha-helices and beta-pleated sheets) coil into a tertiary structure. A tertiary structure, or a quaternary structure after further protein folding, can then be utilized as a specific enzyme within organisms to carry out specific metabolic reactions. It is the hydrogen bonding found in water, in fact, that makes the metabolic reactions in the human body so efficient. The slight increase of strength between water molecules caused by hydrogen bonds means that in comparison to other fluids without hydrogen bonds, water requires a lot of energy to raise the temperature of it. This is called high heat specific capacity and may be defined as the amount of energy required to change the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1C, an attribute that is especially useful when the body is actively maintaining the body temperature at 37C. Since it takes so much energy to change the temperature of water, the molecule estimated to take up 70% of an adult’s body, the core temperature of the body is resistant to fluctuations. For metabolic reactions this is very useful because it means that the enzymes can work at their optimum temperature, often the same as 37C core temperature, and thus the metabolic reactions within the body are very efficient. For every 10C below optimum temperature, the rate of successive substrate-enzyme collisions decreases by 2 to 3 times [Campbell and Reece, p862]. High specific heat capacity also benefits marine environments by resisting temperature fluctuations, which is perhaps why marine food chains are often many times longer than those of terrestrial organisms. The high heat capacity of water is one of several hydrogen-bonding attributes that benefit the marine environments, unsurprisingly, with the high surface tension and the small relative density of ice also playing a large role in how aquatic organisms survive. The high surface tension of water is perhaps best explained by relating it to close proximity of adjacent water molecules in aqueous solution. This closeness is of course caused by the numerous hydrogen bonds (Fig. 2) existing between the water molecules and is named cohesion, a word that can be defined as being united as a whole. Fig. 2 numerous hydrogen bonds As a result of the molecules being united as a whole, the top of a body of water has a membrane that is able to withstand a small downwards force before becoming pierced. The classic example of the organism that takes advantage of this phenomenon is the pond skater insect, which is able to utilize the high surface tension of lakes and ponds by walking on the surface of the water to look for prey. The other hydrogen-bonding attribute that benefits marine life especially but not exclusively is the small relative density of ice. While most liquids become denser when they change to a solid state, aqueous water gets less dense. This means that a volume of ice has a lighter mass than the same volume of its liquid counterpart and thus ice can float on top of water. The reason that ice is less dense than aqueous water lies within the microstructure of the molecules. Normally, a solid is denser than a liquid because the particles within a solid are more tightly packed together and thus more particles can fit into a given space. However, within ice, the hydrogen bonds between water molecules create a lattice structure Fig. 3 that increases the distance between the molecules. This means that less water molecules per volume exist in a solid form than as a liquid form, as much as 10% less than water at 4C [Campbell and Reece, 2008]. Fig. 3 Lattice structure Several advantages of the small relative density of ice can be observed within marine environments, such as the heat insulation that a surface sheet of ice provides and the fact that bodies of water never freeze from the bottom upwards, two essential phenomena without which many aquatic organisms would not be able to survive. It is also easy to forget that sea ice is also a habitat for sub-terrestrial organisms such as penguins and polar bears, a habitat that would not exist if ice did not float. Moving away from how hydrogen bonds benefit marine life and towards how they benefit terrestrial life, and having previously stated that water is very good at keeping the body warm at 37C, water is controversially a very good coolant. It is for the same reason that water is able to restrict temperature fluctuations that it is able to cool off the human body and other mammals. Resisting temperature change involves water’s high specific heat capacity and is the large relative energy required to change the temperature of 1g of water by 1C. This can be related to the high latent heat of vaporization, the phenomenon that makes cooling so effective, since latent heat is the heat energy lost from the body to evaporate 1g of sweat. In water the latent heat is particularly high because of the hydrogen bonds between the water molecules must be broken before liquid can change state into a gas, so more energy is required to evaporate the water and thus more heat is removed. Hydrogen bonds also play a large role in the evaporation of water from plants, called transpiration. Transpiration is the loss of water from the leaves of plants by evaporation and causes water to move into the roots up vascular tubes (xylem) within in the plant stem. This means a plant can transport water around its tissues for use in respiration and other metabolic reactions. Hydrogen bonds play a large role in transpiration in the same way that they do in the cohesion of water molecules to cause high surface tension. When water molecules are moved up the xylem vessels, they move as a whole due to the hydrogen bonding cohesive forces between the molecules. The molecules also stick to the walls of the vessels by hydrogen bonds, aiding the transport of the water furthermore. The movement of water aided by cohesion and adhesion is known as mass flow, and is the same occurrence as with sucking water through a straw. Since plants form the basis of most ecosystems as producers, hydrogen bonding plays a key part of life. Concluding, it is clear to see that without hydrogen bonds, life, as we know it today would not exist. Water makes up most of the earths surface and is perhaps the molecule that is the most essential for life- providing stable habitats for marine and terrestrial organisms as well as the transport of water in plants. The fact that most of the properties water are caused by hydrogen bonding shows how essential hydrogen bonds are for life on earth. Libes (2009). Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry. Elsevier Science and Technology. Pp28 Campbell and Reece (2008). Biology. 8th ed. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings.
Monday, January 6, 2020
The Political Art Of Art - 1735 Words
Professor Sarah Tamez Art 1301.09 November 23, 2015 Political Art Art can be expressed in many forms but one of the best has got to be political art, as it expresses art in a relevant form for many to understand, it doesn’t require knowledge in history. It puts out a statement in a bold way so that people may better understand what is trying to be expressed. Many artists use art in topics like reproductive rights, equality, gun control, human rights, the environment and war to express desire for change. One of the most outspoken political artists is Barbara Kruger, who has had her work installed in many well-known museums. Kruger has become even more known because of her relevance using art to criticize well-known public figures like Kim Kardashian and George W. Bush, she has also been a proud supporter of reproductive rights. One of her most known works is â€Å"Your body is a battleground†which was printed in 1989 in her support for the â€Å"March for Women’s Lives†. To show the positi ve and negatives sides of the inner struggle, the good and the evil. She has a reputation of supporting feminism ideas but she hasn’t stopped there, she’s even had her work put on display in the Hirshhorn Museum. She has gotten the attention of The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times because of her distinctive contemporary works. The beauty of her art is that it relates to many, her art ranges from domestic violence to compulsive shopping and everything in-between, it is also really easyShow MoreRelatedPolitical Art Essay1400 Words  | 6 Pagesusually reflect the issues in society may they be social, political, racial, environmental or sexual. Specific movements and styles have been produced as a result. There is a greater integration between art and community as art adopts a critical role in society. Traditional artists use to focus on the material practice, but postmodernism changed that as they focused on the concept and ideas. 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