Saturday, August 31, 2019
RHOgam Case Essay
RHOgam refers to Rho immunoglobulin. RHOgam is an injectable blood product used to protect an Rh-positive fetus from antibodies produced by its Rh-negative mother. The injections are given at about 28 weeks in the pregnancy and immediately after delivery. With these injections, Rh-negative women can have safe Rh-positive pregnancies. Rh is short for Rhesus factor. Rhesus factor is a type of antigen present on the surface of red blood cells. If you have this particular antigen, you are Rh positive. If you don’t, you’re Rh negative. The Rh factor is important in determining blood type for transfusions. Normally your immune system protects against potentially harmful substances (antigens). When foreign antigens enter your body, your immune system makes antibodies to help destroy them. If you are Rh negative and you’re exposed to Rh-positive blood your body may make antibodies to Rh-positive blood on your next exposure to it. If a mother is Rh negative and a father is Rh positive, the child will likely be Rh-positive. This can create problems with pregnancy. During pregnancy a mother may be exposed to the Rh positive cells of her baby and develop antibodies to them. During a future pregnancy, these antibodies can destroy the red blood cells of an unborn child, leading to serious problems. If both parents are Rh-negative, they can only have Rh-negative offspring. If the mother is Rh-positive, her body will not produce antibodies that will cause these problems. References * * es/WhatdoseitmeantoRhNegative.aspx * *
Friday, August 30, 2019
Comparing Othello by William Shakespeare and the Film Othello Essay
An update of Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ with a young cast, set in a high school and centered around basketball player Odin. Director: Tim Blake Nelson Writers: William Shakespeare (play), Brad Kaaya (screenplay) Stars: Mekhi Phifer, Josh Hartnett, Andrew Keegan The film starts during a basketball game. At the last minute Odin scores the basket that wins the game for his team. Later at an awards ceremony Duke presents the MVP award to Odin for his efforts, an award he shares with Michael. At a party celebrating the victory, Hugo plans with Roger to tell Desi’s father that Odin raped her in order to split them up so that Roger can woo her. Roger, however, is only a pawn in Hugo’s ultimate plan to destroy Odin. Later in another game Odin’s team wins once again. At the celebration party, Hugo engineers a fight between Roger and a very drunk Michael, who is temporarily suspended from the team. Hugo tells Michael to ingratiate himself with Desi so that she will talk to Odin on his behalf. Soon afterward, Hugo tells Odin that Desi and Michael have been spending a lot of time together, and that she may be cheating on him. Odin doesn’t believe this at first, but gradually comes to suspect them. Odin questions Desi, but she calms him down and he believes her. In the meantime, Hugo manipulates Emily into stealing a scarf for him that Odin had given to Desi. Hugo, in turn, gives it to Michael in hopes that Odin will believe that Desi gave Michael the scarf, and so is cheating on him. Meanwhile, Desi and Odin are having passionate sex at a motel. During their lovemaking, Odin sees an image of Michael on top of Desi in the mirror; angered, he becomes very rough with Desi, to the point that she cries out for him to stop, a plea he ignores. Afterward, they lie together staring in opposite directions. After a dunk contest in which Odin himself performs a dunk that pulls the rim and breaks the glass backboard and assaults a ball boy, Hugo tells Odin about the scarf, convincing him that Desi is cheating on him. Enraged, Odin vows to kill her; Hugo then promises to kill Michael. Hugo, with Odin and Roger, plans to kill Michael and Desi. Hugo and Roger attempt to kill Michael in a carjacking, but it does not go as planned: Roger and Michael struggle, Hugo hits Michael with a crowbar, knocking him unconscious. Roger shoots Michael in the leg, and then Hugo turns the gun on Roger and makes him shoot himself after telling him that Desi is dead. Odin and Desi are in Desi’s room talking and Odin is pretending to make up with her. They are making out on the bed when suddenly Odin attacks her; she fights back, but he finally strangles her. Emily rushes into the room and sees Desi’s body; she soon finds out what Hugo has done. She begins telling Odin that Hugo told her to steal the scarf and exposes his plot. Hugo tells her to shut up, but she refuses, so he shoots and kills her. Odin finally realizes that Hugo has been manipulating him the entire time, and demands to know why; Hugo refuses to answer. When the police arrive, Odin tells them what happened, and commits suicide, shooting himself in the heart. The story ends with Hugo being taken into police custody, saying (in voice over) that he will have his day in the spotlight. Mekhi Phifer as Odin James The star basketball player, who gets more attention from Hugo’s dad than Hugo. He is also dating Desi. Josh Hartnett as Hugo Goulding The son of coach Duke Goulding, and jealous of Odin’s attention from his father. Julia Stiles as Desi Brable Odin’s girlfriend Andrew Keegan as Michael Cassio The overshadowed star on the basketball team because of Odin. Rain Phoenix as Emily Friend of Desi. Elden Henson as Roger Calhoun A kid bullied at school who is picked on by Michael. Martin Sheen as Coach Duke Goulding, the coach of the Hawks. Father of Hugo. John Heard as Dean Bob Brable Father of Desi. Rachel Shumate as Brandy Michael’s love interest. Box office
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Cpca comunication phenomenon and concept or artifact Term Paper - 2
Cpca comunication phenomenon and concept or artifact - Term Paper Example The functional theory of communication supplies the terms of understanding the content of communication within the concept of CPCA. It is important to consider the fact that communication involves the arranging or organizing of information in patterns that promote certain meanings and concepts. A range of technical strategies is often brought into play to enhance the impact of communication on the specific details of the central ideas. Essentially, images can be used to provide clarity and meaning as understood together with the terms supplied by CPCA. Meanings can be altered, expanded, or rearranged to suit particular contexts or interests. The understanding of the concepts of communication usually entails the application of various factors that combine to form specific ideas and notions about reality and the external physical world (Holmes 61). The value of CPCA lies in the use of various techniques and strategies to negotiate the delicate distance between a phenomenon and the understanding as shaped in the mind of the audience or viewer. Objects have literal and symbolic meanings. Their usage in the aspect of communication has often been used to supplement or compliment conventional forms of meaning. In other cases, the objects have often been used to represent reality in ways that enhance meaning and increase the aspect of memorability. For instance, a phenomenon of tragedy entails the application of various cinematographic techniques that help the viewers to adjust appropriately to the content. The use of light and sound remains a key skill that enables effective handling of content and meaning. Meaning is negotiated through sights and sounds and only clarified by textual analysis in a manner that expounds on the visual and the auditory (Holmes 102). Generally, the choice of images and other forms of techniques used in the media must carry certain symbolic characteristics that match with the hidden meaning. Caution must be taken to avoid the possibility of
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The roles of Japanese woman in early twentieth century Essay
The roles of Japanese woman in early twentieth century - Essay Example In his Readers Guidebook to Japanese Literature (1999), J. Thomas Rimer concedes the common understanding of Ariyoshi as one of the highest quality of post-war Japanese female writers but claims that that explanation is insufficient since it is unable to define or put forward the variety of her prodigious talents. Unfortunately, minimal of Ariyoshis literary production, comprising of over one hundred brief tales, books, plays, musicals, and a melodious script, has been translated into English. Translated pieces consist of an assortment of brief stories released in the Japan Quarterly, a four-act play, and The Kabuki Dancer , first posted in Japanese in 1972 , under the title of Izumo no Okuni, and in English, in 1983. It is a fictionalized biography of Okuni, the seventeenth-century priestess-dancer at the Grand Shrine in Izumo whom Ariyoshi credits as the founder of Kabuki Theatre. The tale is an effective depiction of the lifestyles of three family lines of ladies associated with one another by blood in the Meiji, Taisho and Showa durations. The time period 1898 to 1955 is represented by the writer as a time of exceptional interpersonal and ethnic transformation, which contributed to †¢far achieving adjustments in the family process of Japan, its customs, beliefs and traditions; and she provides the various ways whereby the main women figures while trying to deal with these modifications turn out to be important to the narrative of Ki no Kawa (Ariyushi 12). The tale is developed around Hana, daughter of the Kimoto family and spouse of Matani Keisaku of the Kaiso state located in the bottom touches 9f the River Ki. Ariyoshi employs the analogy of the river to characterize the persona of Hana who as a lady of imaginative and prescient vision and credibility imparts dynamism and prosperity to the lifestyles of all people around her irrespective of her own dissimilarities with them, significantly
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Research Paper on a comparison of Charles Dickens and Alexis Essay
Research Paper on a comparison of Charles Dickens and Alexis Tocqueville's views on America - Essay Example Charles Dickens and Alexis Tocqueville each had very high hopes in mind as they made their way across the Atlantic and both were fated to be sorely disappointed. The polish was off the brass for Dickens almost as soon as he arrived as he experienced constant suffocating attention from the uncouth American public, which perhaps colored his criticisms as he was seen to uphold these same practices back home in England. Tocqueville did not lose entirely lose his hopes for this relatively new country, though he did see some of its dangers, until many years later. While both authors were eventually disillusioned by America as expressed in their writings, the reasons why they were disillusioned sheds a great deal of light on how the country was perceived by other nations. Dickens traveled to America already well versed in the available travel literature that had been produced both to help reforms at home as well as in America as each social structure was examined and compared. Prior to his departure, Dickens had high expectations for the new country as a source of information regarding how best to fix the social ills being experienced in England at that time. Evidence suggests that prior to his first visit to America, Dickens was active in the suffrage movement as well as the anti-slavery movement, but that he had changed his mind, at least somewhat, by the time he returned home. In many ways, this change of heart has been linked to the type of treatment Dickens experienced while visiting and touring the prescribed route between historical or picturesque vistas and places of social reform such as schools and jails. Throughout his tour, though, Dickens experienced a suffocating press of public attention as well as numerous shocks to his properly Briti sh sensibilities regarding the manners and behaviors of his American cousins. Part of Dickens’ unhappiness in America arose, in part, from the enthusiastic reception he received from America’s public.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Proof reading for (blogs) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Proof reading for (blogs) - Essay Example Watching this video excitement runs through the veins at first, though the same does not persist till the end. Though it is true that if people are celebrating a victory in war, perhaps they are somewhere forgetting some grave mistakes committed towards humanity. However, I think if people would watch this kind of videos, they would not support any kind of war and soldiers might even refuse to participate in a war. That might not be the best of solutions considering the fact that war is an evil necessity at times. The Shield of Achilles The Shield of Achilles written by W.H. Auden was a hard poem for me to understand. I went online to read and understand the story of Achilles before I started the poem. Achilles was a Greek hero who participated in the Trojan War. Achilles’ mother Thetis prayed to the Greek god Hephaestus to create an invincible armor for her son. Hephaestus made a shield for Achilles. In the first part of the poem Thetis was describing what she see for example War, peace, sun, moon, ocean, and dance. The shilled was referring to the new life. In the second part of the poem, Auden said â€Å"A plain without a features.†It refers to emptiness. ... Force According to Weil, there are three definitions of Force with diverse meaning. The first meaning of force is to kill. It comes from the part where it is said that â€Å"it is that x that turn anybody who is subjected to in into a thing†and â€Å" it makes a corpse†.The second definition of force is â€Å"that not kill just yet†. This kind of force has the ability to kill because of the word â€Å"yet†. Another interesting thing is â€Å"it turn a man to stone†which mean no feeling. Also, the word â€Å"stone†mean no thinking and refers to the fact that he or she would act without thinking. In page 167 it gave example where force can remove human feeling, where it refers to the story of Achilles when he killed Hector. The Third definition is who use Force is foul. There is no one who is as strong that he can control everything in the world. Even though Achilles was the greatest of worriers; he was scare of the forces because it was bi gger than him. The Homer’s Iliad is considered as a war poem because it talked about the Troy and Trojan War. Guernica The first time I looked to the painting, it was like a drawing made by a kid. After having the class dictation, I got the idea that Picasso did mean several things in this painting. There is a woman on the left side of the photo holding a baby, which refers on how war can kill kids and innocent people. There is a flower almost in the middle of the painting, which refer to the future or it may mean that life may come again. Picasso draws a light beam as a path to future. There is a man who has a large foot and trying to reach the light but he can’t, because it looks like his foot is pulling him away from the light. In the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
ABC Clinic Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
ABC Clinic - Coursework Example From this paper it is clear that the work structure of ABC Clinic has two major portions namely, minor surgeries and pre-operation consultation. The capacity of service production for ABC Clinic differs in both their service structures. The consultant doctors can check around 7 patients per hour and works for 5 days a week out of which every Wednesday is scheduled for training and development during the 1st half. Meanwhile, the minor surgeons can perform 4 surgeries per hour on average. Based on this information, it can be calculated that, each day around 56 patients are checked by consultant doctors and 32 surgeries are performed. However, as one of the minor surgeons is off for 2 weeks, the capacity of minor surgeries has reduced by half. Another factor that influences the capacity of ABC Clinic is that each patient has different needs and thus, the time allocated for each patient is not steady.This study declares that the activities performed in ABC Clinic after the pati ent is moved from the reception room has been shown. The actvities that follow have two key decision making nodes out of which one rests with the patient, while the other is managed by the consultant doctors. The consultant doctor has to decide if the patient is ready for the surgery or needs further tests and medication before the surgery is performed. The actvities have a mandatory waiting period of 1 hour after the surgery has been performed.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Formal Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Formal Report - Essay Example In purchasing equipments like laptops and desktops, it is feasible and good to pick leasing, as it is cost effective. It is good to examine the management of information and technology process of an agency, determine the business needs of the institution concerning information technology and acquit an analysis based on the benefit of cost choice of leasing and purchasing, in the decision whether to purchase or lease equipments. If the decision is made in the correct way and for a good reason, it is effective in terms of cost and efficient to lease than purchasing equipments. It can be harder to manage and expensive to lease than an instant purchase of equipments, if the decisions are handled in the wrong way. Introduction Present value It is hard to compare the same amount of cost between the option of purchasing and leasing in the concept of present value. The cost of the future currency in today’s value of the currency is what referred to as the present value. Money availabl e for future worth less at this time than the money you can use at that particular time. The future money one should use in leasing or purchasing is be converted to the current price to equate the actual cost of each one, when equating the alternative of leasing and purchasing. Information Technology Acquisition The first option of getting information technology in companies and institutions is by the outright purchase, which is gotten through the fund or revenue of any agency. This can only happen if restrictions are applied on the funds. Capital leasing is the second option, which is an accord that spreads the payment terms of equipments. After payment, the person who has bought the equipment, obtains a title to the equipment, but still he has been able to get access of the equipments. The buyer is able to spread the payment of the equipments in a given time to reduce the financial burden due to its acquisition. In an operating lease, one does not get ownership of the equipments. The seller retains ownership of the equipments and the person who has leased the equipments uses the technology for a given period (Taylor, 2003). Management issues The budget of information and technology has changed in all sectors, due to the fast development of information systems. This drastic change has led to the evaluation of the management issues of information technology. To control and understand the environment based on computers, full ownership cost and asset management, is required. Asset management binds the whole information technology ownership. It provides the environment control of computers to allow the director to purchase information technology equipments and price for the maximum cost efficiency. Lease terms should not be over 75 percent of the equipment. If the institution wishes to buy an item after a leasing period, the organization must pay the required price. The value at the starting point of the lease is not equal or greater than 90 percent. At the end o f the lease, the lease cannot give the buyer the ownership of the
Netflix - SWOT analysis and managemetn characteristics PowerPoint Presentation
Netflix - SWOT analysis and managemetn characteristics - PowerPoint Presentation Example Finally, the Netflix model is future-proofed, because the streaming business that originally augmented dvd rentals can grow with the demand for streaming content. Netflix has relatively few weaknesses, but those that exist revolve around the novelty of its business model. People who are not comfortable with the internet (such as aging or rural people) will be resistant to this radical change in rental – furthermore, the subscription service is a barrier to entry to occasional renters or those that rent movies only occasionally. There are extensive opportunities for Netflix. Its robust distribution network, able to get items to consumers in one business day, could be used to distribute other content or products should Netflix decide to expand. Video games or related media spring to mind as an especially viable option, but perhaps Netflix could also expand to book rentals, music rentals and so forth. Netflix is currently also a leader in online streaming video distribution. The obvious growth opportunity here is the development of original material for Netflix online, giving consumers a reason to stick with Netflix rather than go to the numerous copy-cats that exist and have sprung up after Netflix’s success. Netflix, though robust, is not immune from outside threats. One of the biggest threats is the threat to the rental industry in general: the future of media delivery is streaming, but Netflix still relies heavily on dvd rentals for its profit margins. There is danger that Netflix could hurt its own dvd business by building a more robust streaming business, and vice versa. Classic wisdom indicates that people will choose to watch content on one of those two ways, not both. Furthermore, now that Netflix’s model has proven profitable, they will face major competition from upstart companies that might have less pressure to make a profit and lower initial costs. Netflix has a
Friday, August 23, 2019
English Academic Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
English Academic Study - Essay Example The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all people are entitled to their privacy and that of their families, properties, and their communications. People further have a right to legal protection of their privacy that extends to their geographical space and information on a person or a person’s communication (Wellman 2005, p. 138). Even though the press has its freedom that is considered a right, as human right to privacy, its misuse infringed the right to privacy and would therefore not only be immoral but would also be illegal. While the courts’ interpretation of freedom of press and its conflict with right to privacy has sometimes undermined the privacy right, it focuses on the informative role of the press and involved public interest in the breach of privacy. These are then balanced with the right to privacy to determine whether a breach is legal or not. Only a reasonable breach of privacy of a celebrity who is not a public figure and breach of privacy of a public figure, if it is incidental to public interest, would therefore be allowed (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2013, p. 1). The right to privacy and freedom of press identifies conflict of law and unless there is public interest or justifiable need for information among a population segment, privacy is supreme and the celebrities deserve a life without constant press scrutiny. British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2013, The right to privacy and the freedom of the press: From the European domestic perspective and back, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Retrieved 3 March, 2014, <
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Democratic Education Essay Example for Free
Democratic Education Essay Democratic Education should be a mainstream style of teaching, and should be taught specifically to anyone aspiring to become any type of successful instructor. Everywhere you go the world is constantly changing, people adapt, time ticks away, and the days come and go, every waking moment is progression to the future. Why is the one thing that we as a society depend on for survival going backwards? Our education system and the way we educate children is the only tool we as a society use to ensure our existence, think of the world as a well oiled machine. If you neglect certain parts, yes maybe it will keep working for a short while. Eventually the machine will fall apart because of the mistreating and lack of or poor maintenance, if we keep neglecting our education system by turning a blind eye to the type of educators we give teaching credentials to or the way our current teachers or professors are instruction our future, then our existence is headed for an abrupt halt. Schools need to embrace interesting, interactive-learning environments throughout the curriculum. â€Å"If you do not want to do something, you will not, period.†This thought means if someone is in a place that does not at least entertain the senses, let alone stimulate the mind then why even waste the time to just be physically be present? By doing that it wastes money, and more importantly the teacher and the students time. Democratic education as a teaching style is based on â€Å"affirmative authority without disrespect of freedom†; Democratic Education, by bell hooks. Authoritative guidance with inspiring, limitless, encouragement should be the goal of every type of educational course offered in the United States. We need to input this style of teaching into our aspiring teachers required classes to graduate at any institution or university across the country. We need democratic education because this type of teaching inspires the students, just because someone passes a test or any kind of written exam does not determine someones intelligence. The definition of the term intelligence, according to, means the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. This applies to institutions and their instructors because if a pupil is not taught how to apply these skills he or she has been taught how does this apply to the fast-pace times that we live in today? The answer is, it does not. Democratic education benefits the entire classroom rather than just a select few because of the more upbeat style of teaching. The beauty of democratic education is that it can also be incorporated with the old style of a more text-geared curriculum as well. It has the potential to improve teaching as a profession because it would lengthen the required courses to become a teacher, therefore narrowing the number of instructors produced. With that being said, the teaching salaries can improve because of the new demand for this productive style of teaching that K-12 schools would require the employed instructors to have completed during their college career(s). Our future generations upbringing needs to be updated according to the new age that we live in today. Democratic education needs to be a mainstream style of teaching, not for our benefit, but for the future of the precious world that you and I share. This is not a type of thing to be organized and implemented to help certain individuals succeed but for everyone, we need to teach our children that as a country we are a collective, and as individuals we are our own. Democratic education be used as another tool to help us educate the country and create a more successful tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
miRNA as Biomarkers in Forensic Body Fluids Identification
miRNA as Biomarkers in Forensic Body Fluids Identification miRNA profiling: What does not work for blood and urine identification Sarah S. Silva a, b, Teixeira, A.L b, MJ Carneiro de Sousa a,c and Medeiros, R.a, b a – ICBAS, Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute, University of Porto, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal b – Molecular Oncology group, Portuguese Institute of Oncology, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal c _ National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, North Branch, 4050-167 Porto, Portugal Abstract In forensics, the identification of blood, semen or vaginal secretions can represent an important support for a criminal investigation. They can be used as a source of DNA but also can hold, only by their presence, the most probative value. Through the years many methodologies were used to identify them but all presented serious drawback. Lately, mRNA surged as a potential tool for body fluid identification but their sensibility were a serious disadvantage, even more pronounced in forensic samples. Since 2009, miRNA profiling surged as a possible tool as a confirmatory test in forensics due to their tissue specific pattern of expression. Unlike mRNAs they are much more stable due to their proprieties whose makes them less prone to degradation processes. In this report, we studied the expressional patterns of miR-127, miR-221 and RNU-48 in 50 samples of urine and blood in order to define whether or not they could be used as biomarkers for urine or blood identification. Even though our aim was to assess whether or not our miRNAs could be considered as biomarkers, we came across 2 others interesting conclusions: the impact of RNA purity in miRNAs quantification and which miRNA cannot be used as a normalisation gene for blood and urine identification. Key words: miRNA profiling, Forensic, Serology, body fluids, biological biomarkers 1- Introduction Human body fluids are important components to rely on a criminal investigation [1, 2]. As a matter of fact, a complainant’s body fluids present on items belonging to a suspect – or vice versa – holds the most probative value. For example, in a case of a sexual assault in a child, where a DNA profile recovered from the child bedding and underwear coincide with his father DNA profile, can we consider his father responsible for the sexual assault? In a case like this, it is not enough to recover a DNA profile but it is also imperative to acknowledge its source. If no serological test were done, in court, the presence of DNA could be explained as a result of the presence of epithelial cells in the child clothing which is totally common when it comes from a sibling. On the other hand, if serological tests linked the DNA profile to semen it would be way more difficult to explain its presence there. Beyond the probative value that body fluid may have in a crime scene, it is also important to acknowledge them to optimize protocols to conduct a reliable DNA profiling [3, 4]. For example, DNA extraction processes are different for blood and urine. If we conducted the protocol of blood extraction in urine samples it may result in a reduced quality of the extracted DNA e enable any conclusive DNA profile [3, 4]. There is why, body fluids identification is considered as crucial step in criminal investigation. For some, it seems easy to identify body fluids such as blood (colour), urine (smell) or even sperm (texture) however, when dried, washed or mixed with other components their identification may not be that easy [1]. It is important to highlight that in court, there is no such thing as â€Å"It seems to be sperm because it looked like it and have the same particular texture†, it is needed an undeniable proof that it is sperm. Serological test are used in forensic biology to allow the detection and identification of body fluids in both native form or as a residue left at a crime scene. Serological tests are divided in two major fields: Presumptive and confirmatory test. Presumptive tests rely on methodologies that are sensitive and performed quickly, yet they are not specific to the body fluid. Those tests can only indicate if the fluids might be present and do not unequivocally states its presence. On the other hand, confirmatory tests are indeed specific to the body fluid we s eek to identify. As presumptive tests, confirmatory testing is sensitive however, it takes a lot more time. Idealistically, we should have a battery of confirmatory test for all important body fluids in order to reliably detect and identify them. Unfortunately, there is a large cluster of presumptive tests and far less of confirmatory ones. Moreover, till date no confirmatory test is able to reliably differentiate blood from menstrual blood which is an unquestionably important body fluid in sexual cases. Over the last years, mRNA profiling became a target for body fluid identification due to its tissue specific patterns. Still, mRNA susceptibility to degradation by physical or chemical factors was an unquestionable drawback. In order to sidetrack this problem, miRNA surge with a real potential as a confirmatory test. MiRNAs are small non-coding RNAs with more or less than 22 nucleotides of length that, combined with the RNA-induced silencing complex, seems to regulate a major part of human gene (5 e 6 do meu artigo). Moreover, their tight relationship with Argonaute proteins, they are much less susceptive to both biotic and abiotic factors. In 2009, Hanson and colleagues were the first to introduce miRNA profiling and soon enough others followed. Those studies pointed out a large collection of miRNAs with potential as biomarker, however very few were confirmed by more than one group which revealed the lack of reproducibility of results. Moreover, when some tried to replicate the resu lts of others, they failed. For this report, we choose to test four miRNAs in both blood and urine of 50 healthy individual and study their behaviour within those body fluids. 2- Material and methods We conducted an expression profiling of 50 healthy individuals. The case group was composed by Caucasian individuals with no major pathological condition in order to erase a variable that could alter miRNAs profiles. Peripheral venous blood (Xml) and urine were collected from each subject following the obtainment of a written informed consent from all subjects. After collected the samples were processed. The samples were used for miRNAs extraction with GRS microRNA Kit (Grisp) according to the manufacturers instructions. Subsequently, miRNa priorly extracted were used as a template for cDNA synthesis using TaqMan ® MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Applied Biosystems ®). To quantify miRNA expression, real-time PCR assays were performed with a StepOneâ„ ¢ System using TaqMan ®Universal Master Mix II (Applied Biosystems ®). The target miRNAs were amplified by a set of designed primers for miR-127-5p, miR-221*, miR-222* and RNU48. miR-222* was used as a normalization gene miRNAs relative quantifications. The data analysis was performed using the StepOne Software v2.2 (Applied Biosystems ®). Statistical analysis was carried out by the computer software IBM ®SPSS ®Statistics (Version 22.0). In order to assess any statistical alterations in our normalized miRNAs expression we used 2−Îâ€ÃŽâ€Ct method and Students t test. 3- Results 3.1- Cycle threshold vs RNA purity Urine samples were processed and the resulting pellet was diluted in 1ml of Tripure. Visually a wide range of pink colour was noticeable within our urine samples. Those with a deep pink were related with samples with a more substantial pellet unlike those with a less considerable pellet who presented themselves with a lighter colour. After miRNA extraction, we quantify miRNA expression of miR-222 in urine samples and perceived that only few of them were detected. Interestingly, only the ones with a lighter colour were indeed detected. This tricky situation could be explained by the ratio of absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm which is used to assess the purity of RNA. In this case, lighter colour was also an indicator of a greater ratio, on the other hand, those with higher optical density had a very low ratio, far from the ratio of ~2.0 which is generally accepted as â€Å"pure†for RNA. In order to sidetrack this delicate situation, we choose a sample (MU26) that has an optimal 260/280nm ratio and diluted the other samples to equalize their optical density with Tripure. Posteriorly, we choose 5 samples to test and noticed a considerable decrease of Ct in the samples processed with the optimized protocol (Fig.1). The difference of Ct value is very significant, nearly 6 Ct, demonstrating that RNA purity is clearly a factor that challenge miRNA profiling. As showed, miRNA quantification goes with a low concentration or can go totally undetected when 260/280nm ratio is low however, when optimized, miRNA concentration increased significantly. As said previously, different reports indicated miRNAs as biomarkers for human body fluids identification though, when others tried to replicate them, they failed. Our results shows that for the same sample, different degrees of purity can decide whether or not a miRNA is detected, once it definitely affect their concentration. There is why, RNA purity needed to be optimal otherwise it may lead to unreliable results, which could explain, the failed attempts done by some authors when trying to replicate others results. Figure 1 Cycle threshold vs RNA purity. This figure presents the Ct values of miR-222 taken from 5 samples processed with both normal and optimized protocol (first and second column respectively). It is showed that the considerable fall of Ct values correlates with an increase of 260/280nm ratio. 3.2 – Normalization gene In qRT-PCR, data normalization is imperatively required for quantification analysis [5-7]. The integration of an invariant endogenous essay, also called as reference gene, has as its main objective correct systematic technical and/or experimental errors [6, 8]. For this essay, we choose to use RNU-48 as our reference gene for the data normalization. Widely used as normalization gene, RNU-48 is expected to have a stable pattern among samples. However, within our essay the opposite transpired. As showed in figure 2, RNU-48 was the one with a major standard deviation when compared with other 3 miRNAs analyzed which make it inappropriate as an endogenous control for our essay. Seemingly, we were not the only ones that concluded this, Sapre and colleagues also assumed that RNI-48 was inadequate as an endogenous control due to its systematic perturbation in its expression [9]. Remarkably, the unexpected miR-222 profile remained barely unaffected and presented no significant difference between urine and blood. miRNA-222 behaviour within our samples was surprising once, it is being aimed for its deregulation by many other groups. Here, it does not present any variation within samples, any variation among both body fluids, it did even remained stable within different stages of age and do not alter with gender. This particular behaviour is expected of endogenous controls. Therefore, we decided to use miR-222 as our reference gene in order to normalise our data. 3.3 – miRNAs as biomarkers Since 2009, miRNAs has been a target for forensic researcher, especially in forensic serology. The importance of both detection and identification for body fluids in criminal investigation is undeniable. Scientifically speaking, 5 years is such a short time to develop reliable new methodologies and, as already lay out by some authors, there is still so much to do. Here, we choose 4 miRNAs and decided to study their expression level in urine and blood samples. As stated earlier, we choose miR-222 as our endogenous control for our data normalisation due to its behaviour within our samples. As showed in figure 4, we can state that all miRNAs considered have different expressional patterns and all of them probabilistically significant (P RNU-48 is the one with a major difference between urine and blood. The one used numerous times as an endogenous control is upregulated about 141 times more in blood than in urine supporting our decision to not use it to normalize our data. Till now, a minor number of miRNAs have been acknowledged as tissue specific at least reliably. By definition, miRNAs are considered tissue specific when they’re found with high abundance in a specific tissue while it has low or non-existent expression in others. That differential profile patterns would allow body fluids reliable identification and serve as a significant confirmatory test. Considering our results, we can conclude that miR-127, miR-221 and RNU-48 are not suitable for neither blood nor urine identification. Despite a significant difference of expression, they do not present the expected expressional patterns to be considered as a good biomarker. Table 1 – miRNA detection in both urine and blood samples and its corresponding fold change within the body fluids. As we stated within our introduction, the miRNAs considered as biomarkers for body fluid identification in other reports have been difficult to replicate. We believe that those difficulties are linked to several factors as environmental factors, methodologies, age, gender, pathologies among several others. We know that miRNAs expression levels do alter with both biotic and abiotic factors, there is why we try to minimize the impact of those within our samples excluding, as example, acute pathological conditions. Despite considering that miR-127, miR-221 and RNU-48 are unsuitable for urine and blood identification, we wanted to study their expressional behavior within samples with different stages of age and gender. Figure 4A displays an overview of their relative quantification within female and male samples. Within blood, we did not notice any significant alteration in their expression (P>0,05). On the other hand, in urine, RNU-48 presented itself with a significant overexpression i n females (P When it comes to age, we divided our 50 samples in 3 categories: 20-40, 41-60 and over 60 years old. As it is shown in figure 4B, the relative quantification we achieved demonstrated no significant change in their expression profile (P>0,05). 4 – Conclusion and future perspectives More than just a source of DNA, body fluids sole presence can have the most probative value. Hanson and colleagues introduced miRNA profiling as a reliable tool to identify body fluids such as blood, menstrual blood, semen, vaginal secretion and urine due to their tissue-specific pattern and stability when conditioned by degradation processes. Here we focused our attention in four miRNAs: miR-127, miR-221, miR-222 and RNU-48. Soon enough miRNAs purity struck our attention when we notice that low value of 260/280nm ratio was associated with a poor degree of detection. When we upgraded our protocol the consequence reflected in a considerable decrease of the samples threshold. It would be irrefutably helpful to understand what threshold could affect miRNA profiling once, as it was shown, miRNA purity do affect considerably their quantification. It could even convey wrong outcomes once even miRNAs with high concentration within body fluids can appear with low concentration or totally inexistent. Our second result emphasised the importance of a normalisation gene. At first, we choose to use RNU-48 as our endogenous control but its behaviour within blood and urine make us reconsider our decision. RNU-48 is usually used as a reference gene due to its stable behaviour within samples however, our essay showed otherwise. Within the 4 miRNAs testes, RNU-48 was the one with a more pronounced variability within samples, which is opposed of what would be expected of a normalisation gene. Unexpectedly, miR-222 presented itself with the lowest standard deviation between blood and urine. Furthermore, we studied its expression levels and compared them within age and gender and concluded that no significant alteration was noticeable (P As stated earlier, normalisation genes are indispensable to validate qRT-PCR results however, till date, no normalisation gene is universally acknowledged. This problem is reflected in our case, where one of the most used normalisation gene proved to be unsuitable for urine and blood miRNA analysis. This subject is a very sensitive point in miRNA profiling. There is why it is imperative to focus our future line of work towards finding a reliable normalisation gene before anything else. Our main goal was to define whether or not miR-127, miR-221 or RNU-48 could have the potential to be considered as biomarkers for body fluids identification. In this case, we could establish that all four have different expressional patterns in urine and blood (fig.5) however, to be considered as biomarker it would expected a major difference within body fluids which do not happen with our miRNAs considered for this essay. There is why we conclude that none of this miRNAs have the potential to be considered as a biomarker for body fluid identification. Conflict of interest None.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Information technology for a company’s business processes and decision making
Information technology for a company’s business processes and decision making Q1:->How can information technology support a companys business processes and decision making, and give it a competitive advantage?Give examples to illustrate your answer Ans.1 Information technology Support a Companys Business Processes And Dicision Making An d Its Cometitive Aadvantage Is:- Support Business Process:-As a Consumer ,You Regularly Enconter Information Systems That Support The Business Processes And Operation At The Many Retail Sstores Where YOU shop. For Example:- Most Retali Stores now use computer -bassed Information Systems To Help Them Record Coustmer Purchhases,Keep Track Of Inventory ,Pay Employes But New MeRchandise,And Evaluaate sales Trends ,Store operations Would Grind To aA Halt Without The Support Of Such Information systems. Support dicision making:-Information system also Help Stores Managers And Other Business Professionals make Better Desions. For example:-Decisions on What Lines Of MerchandiseNeed To Be Added Or discontinued or On what Kind Of Investing they Require,Are Typically made after an analysis Provided By Computer -Based Information systems.this Not Only supports The Decisions Making Of Stores Managers,Buyers And Others But also Helps Them look For ways to Gain An Advantage Over Other Retailers In The Competition For Customers. Support Competitive advantage:-Gaining a Strategic Advantage Over Competitiors Requires Innovative Of Information Technologies. For Example:- Store Management might Make a Decision To Instaall Touch Screne Kiosks In All Stores, With Links To Their E-commerce WebsiteFor Online Shopping .This Might Attract New coustmer And Build Coustemers Localty Because Of The Ease Of Shopping And Buying Merchandise Provide Products And Services That Give a Business a Comparative Advantage Over Its Competitors. Q2:->Identify several basic competitive strategies and explain how they can use information technologies to comfront the competitive forces faced by a business. Ans.2 There Are Five Basics competitive Strategies 1.Cost Leadership Strategy. 2.Differentition Strategy. 3.Innovation Strategy. 4.Growth strategies. 5. Alliance strategies. 1.Cost Leadership Strategy:-A Low-cost ProDucer Of Products and Services In The Industry, Or Finding Ways To Help Its Suppliers OR Customers Reducee Thier Costs Or To increase The Costs Of their Competitors. 2 .Differention Strategy:- Developing Ways to Differentiate a fiems Products And service s from Its Competitiors Or Reduce The differentiation Advantages of Competitiors. This May Be A Firm To Focus Its products Or services To Give It an Advantage In Particular Segments Or Niches Of a Market. 3.Innovation Strategy:- find The New Way Of Doing Buiseness.This May Involve The Development Of Unique Products And Service Or Entry Into UniqueMarkets Or Markket niches.It May Also Involve Making Radial Changes To The Business Processes For Producing Or Distributing Products And Services That Are So Different From The Way a Business Has Been Conducted That They Allow The Fundamental structure Or An Industry. 4.Growth Strategy:- Significantly Expanding A company Capacity To Produce Goods and Servieces Expanding Into Global markets, Diversifing Into New Products And services,or Integrating Into Related Products And Services. 5.Alliance Strategies;- Establish New Business Linkage And alliance With Coustemers, Suppliers,Competitiors,joint Ventures,forming Of virtual companies or Other Marketing Manufacture Or DisTriBution agreements Between a Business And It Trading Pateners. Q3:-> Identify the major types and uses of micro-computer, midrange and mainframe computer systems ? Ans3. The Major Types And Uses Of Micro-Computer, Midrange And AminFrame computer SystemsAre:- 1.Micro-computer:-It Is Most Important Categoty Of The Computer Systems For Business People And Consumers. Through Usually Called a Personel Computer, Or a PC,A microcomputer IS Much More Than A Small Computers for Use By An Individuals computers . 2. Mid Range :-Midrange computers Are High-End Network Srvers and Other Types Of Servers And Other Types Of servers That can Handle The Large-scale Procesing Of Many Business Applications Throught Not As Powerful As Mainframe Computers They Are Less Costly To buy Operate And Maintain Than mainframe systems,And Thus Meet The Computing Need OF Many Organizations. 3.Mainframe Systems:- IT IS The Large ,Fasr And Powerful Computers systems. For Example:- Mainframes ccccccccan Process Thousands Of Million instruction Per Sec Mainframes can Also Have Primary Storage Capacities. Q4:->Outline the major technologies and uses o computer peripherals for input , output and storage? Ans4. The Major Tecnologies And Uses AComputer For Input Output And Storage Tecnologies is:- Peripherals Is The Generric Name Given To All Input Output And Secondary Storage devices That Are The Part Of The Cpu Pheriperals Depend On Direct Connections Or Telecommunications Links To The Centerals Processing Unit Of a Computer Systems. All Pheriperials Are Online devices That Is They Are Separate From But Can Be Electronically Connected To Attend By The Cpu. 1.Moniters 2.PRINTERS 3.Scanners 4.Hard disk drives 5.CD And DVD Drives 6.Backup Systems. Q5:-> What trends are occuring in the development and use of the major types of computer systems? Ans.5 Software. Computer software consists of two major types of programs: (1) application software that directs the performance of a particular use, or application, of computers to meet the information processing needs of users, and (2) system software that controls and supports the operations of a computer system as it performs various information processing tasks. Refer to Figure 4.2 for an overview of the major types of software. Â · Application Software. Application software includes a variety of programs that can be segregated into general-purpose and application-specific categories. General-purpose application programs perform common information processing jobs for end users. Examples are word processing, electronic spreadsheet, and presentation graphics programs. Application-specific programs accomplish information processing tasks that support specific business functions or processes, scientific or engineering applications, and other computer applications in society. Â · System Software. System software can be subdivided into system management programs and system development programs. System management programs manage the hardware, software, network, and data resources of a computer system during its execution of information processing jobs. Examples of system management programs are operating systems, network management programs, database management systems, system utilities, application servers, and performance and security monitors. Network management programs support and manage telecommunications activities and network performance telecommunications networks Q6:-> Explain the following terms: (a)DTP :-DTP Stands for Desktop Publishing And It Use to End Users And Organizations to Produce Thier Own Printed Materials That looks Professionally published That Is design and Print Their Own Newsletter,Brochures,Manuals,And BooksWith Several Type Styles,Graphics,Photos And colors On Each Page. (b)Presentation Graphics:-It Helps To Convert Numeric Data Into Graphics displays such as Line Charts ,Bar Graphs,pie Charts,And Many Other Types Of Graphics. Mostly Top Package Also Helps U Prepare Multimedia Presentations OF Graphics,Photos,Animation,And Vidio Chlips Includind To The World Wide Web (c)Software licensing:-A S/w Applications Is Purchased COTS Or Is accessed Via An ASP,The Software Must Be Licenced for Use Software Licence Is Complex Topic Which Involve Considerations Of The Specials characteristics Of Software In The Context of The UnderLying Intellectual ProPerty Rights ,Including Copyright,Trademark And Secrets As well As Traditionls Contracts Law Including Contract LawIncluding the Unigorm Commercial code(UCC). (d)RAID:-RAID Stands for Redundant Arrays Of Independent DisksThey Combines from 6 To More Then 100 Small Hard disks Drivers And Their Control MicroProcecessors Into A single Unit. RAID Units ProVide Large Capacities With High acess Speed Since Data aRe Accessed In Parallel Over Multiple Paths From Many Disks. (e) Application service providers:-It Is A Large And Fast Growing Number Of Companies Are Turning To Application service Providers Instead OF Developing OR Purchasing The Application Software They Need To Run Their Business Applications service Provides That Own Operate And Maintain ApplicationsSoftware And The Computer System ResourcesRequired To Offer The Use Of the applications Software For a Fee As a Sservice Over the Internet. (f)Programming languages:-It Is A Measure Catagory Of System Software They Require The Use Of Varity Off PRograming Packages To Help Programmers Develop Computer Programs, And Language Translator Programs To convert Programming Language Instructions Into Machine codes. The Five Main Major Levels Of Programing Langauges Are Machine lAnguages Assembler Languages,High-Level Languages,Fourth Generation Languages,And Object-Oriented Languages Oriented Languages Like Java and XML Are Being Widely Used Web Based Business Applications And Services.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Social Movements and Their Impact on the World Essay -- Common Goals,
As society redevelops itself and progresses to keep up with the ever changing dynamics of its citizens, social movements are an outlet available to bring about change within the law. Social movement is a broad term and often can have specific goals and targets in mind, when trying to mobilize the law. "Social movements are collective actors or groups that seek a common goal or express a common identity; targets may include states, society, corporations, and/or social norms and values. May be conservative or progressive" (Hilson, 2002). We must accept that social movements may not always be seeking a goal but expressing an identity. Social movements make claims in relation to law or based on law. Social movements deliberately and proactively litigate when they bring a case with a number of different goals in mind. An example of legal mobilization through a social movement would be the assertion of women's rights in regard to abortion. Women have a right to choose whether or not they want to reproduce and through the use of social movements we have seen laws progressively change. "Legal mobilization is the ways in which collective actors such as social movements draw on and use law to achieve their goals or to express their identities" (Hilson, 2002). Women mobilized their rights by engaging in the language of law to claim their rights are being violated. Legal mobilization can be described and interpreted in many different ways depending on the situation and in which way the law is attempting to be changed. Critical legal studies and legal realism ascertain that when a certain law exists that is ineffective you must mobilize it in order to encourage change. Legal mobilization can be viewed as either progressive or regressive d... ...ons, 1-228. Gable, L. (2010). Reproductive Health As A Human Right. Case Western Reserve Law Review Vol. 60, No.4, 957-996. Hilson, C. (2002). New Social Movements: The Role of Legal Opportunity. Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 9, No. 2, 238-255. Joffe, C. (1987). Abortion and Antifeminism. Politics & Society Vol. 15, No. 2, 207-212. Outshoorn, J. (2012). Assessing the impact of women's movements. Women's Studies International Forum 35, 147-149. Rohlinger, D. (2013, March 4). Moving Forward or Standing Still? The Battle Over Abortion in the 21st Century. Retrieved from Mobilizing Ideas: West, R. (2009). From Choice to Reproductive Justice: De-Constitutionalizing Abortion Rights. The Yale Law Journal Vol. 118, No. 7, 1394-1432.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Holbein vs Il Guercino :: Essays Papers
Holbein vs Il Guercino Most museum-goers would say that the artwork they are looking at is "impressive" or "interesting", but they would not usually be able to tell you why they think so. This is because, even though they hold that different pieces of work are equally beautiful, it is not often that the inexperienced eye would truly realize exactly what makes each work unique. Some of these factors include the period in which the work was done, the techniques used, and the overall emotion that the work displays. Even though these are not usually the first things that the average museum-goer thinks of, they are surely some of the most significant reasons for why art attracts so many different people with a variety of tastes and interests. Two excellent examples of how these aspects add to the magnificence of a painting while still retaining each work's uniqueness can be seen in comparing Sir Thomas More, by Hans Holbein the Younger, and Sampson Captured by the Philistines, by Guercino. These two paintings are both masterpieces in their own respects, displaying the exceptional talents of the artists and encompassing the nature of paintings during their time. Sir Thomas More, painted in 1527, is a portrait done by Hans Holbein the Younger. The portrait shows Sir More posing still, from the waist up, seated in front of green drapery, with one arm lightly resting on a type of wooden panel. This painting accurately encompasses the civil situation and spirit of the Renaissance in the North. Since religious art was traveling in a downward spiral due to the Protestant Reformation, artists were forced to look for other types of commissions. Because of the improving economy, middle-class citizens started making more money and began to commission portraits of themselves. Holbein was forced to leave his home to find work in England, where he first met Sir Thomas More and portrayed several other great humanists of the time. Holbein's painting of Sir More displays the intricate details, definite lines, rich colors, and illusionism that are associated with the Northern Renaissance. The details in this painting are countless. The individual strands of hair at Sir More's hairline, the wrinkles on his knuckles, the easily observable difference between the color of his irises and his pupils, and the "SS" chain around his neck are all details that may be easily overlooked if one was not thinking about it.
My Philosophy of Education :: Educating Education Essays
My Philosophy of Education Education today has changed drastically from schools in the past. One example is computers. Everyone is using computers in everyday life now, and it seems like teachers have to compete with that. Kids can learn so much off the Internet that they are becoming smarter. Our kindergarten classes that we took look like the preschools of the present. The children today have to go to preschool to be well prepared for kindergarten. Kids are even more knowledgeable than we are when it comes to computers. Like many other educators, I would like to make a difference by giving my students a chance to express their talents and maybe I will learn something from them at the same time. My teaching methods will relate to more up to date techniques. I would like to do something different, take a little of each philosopher’s beliefs, and credit my own educational philosophies. I agree with Socrates’ belief that students should use good judgement in all their actions. I know elementary students are not going to be aware of good judgement entirely, but they should be taught through environment and experiences like Foucault. Foucault believes everything is determined by experience in what kind of life you will have and I do agree that experiences shape people into what they become later in life. The school system, teachers, and their fellow classmates are also part of student’s environment. The child has this opportunity to learn about their society, but it is up to the child to use their judgments in a positive way. I agree with Sophists description of students. I believe that everyone has the ability to learn. However, through my experience, I have learned that some students learn differently than others. I know that learning comes harder for some, but each individual has the capability to learn depending on how badly that individual wants an education. At the same time, I believe the child has interest in learning and that is what should be taught, like Rousseau said. I know that sometimes it is not easy; however, as a teacher I want my students to desire to learn. I believe getting students involved is important. Knowledge varies at different levels of education.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Prison Term Policy Recommendation Essay
The evolution of criminal justice is to reform laws for the reason for providing protection to law-abiding citizens. Individuals that have commit crime will accept punishment for said crime when prosecuted and convicted under the court of law. Prison policies implement punitive actions for certain crimes committed, which assist the courts in sentencing accordingly. Prison policies are designed to keep violent criminals incarcerated, and possibly deter future crime. Individuals convicted of certain crimes may face lengthier sentences than that of a convicted criminal which is currently serving his or her sentence for the same crime committed in a different era. The reason for the difference in sentencing is that prison policies are constantly reforming. Therefore, prison policies pertaining to individuals convicted of armed robbery are under review, like all bills to be passed there is constant prohibition. Robbery occurs when property from a person, place, or bank is taken by force. Armed robbery is using a type of weapon to take possession of something, which results as more of a serious crime than robbery. According to â€Å"Criminal Pages†(2011), â€Å"Armed robbery is the taking of said property, but with the use of a firearm or other taking of said property, but with the use of a firearm or other weapon. Just by including a weapon in a particular robbery crime, a robbery can be viewed with a lot more seriousness.†Even if the person who committed the robbery mentions a weapon or uses a fake weapon can still be charged as committing armed robbery, and the crime is considered to be a felony. The amount of time an individual can receive incarcerated solely depends on the states tolerance for said such crime as well as the ruling from the presiding judge. The bill to be voted on is to double the maximum sentence for criminals convicted of armed robbery. Before voting on the bill, it will be a good idea for legislature officials to review the stat istics of armed robbery compared to normal robbery crimes. Citizens also have the right to be informed of the possible changes and can have his or her voices be heard toward the bill. The only consideration that must be carefully reviewed and express is the prison policy would enforce only to those who commit robbery with a weapon in intent to harm others. Murder investigations are tied to armed robbery because the robbery was out of hand, and as a result ended with the murder or injury of victim. â€Å"The preliminary investigation has revealed that just after 9:00 p.m., three armed suspects enter the home. The suspects took various properties from the home’s occupants. Simons then arrived at the home a short time later and attempted to flee after seeing the armed suspects. At least one of the suspects shot Simons as he was trying to flee†(Criminal Pages, 2011). This bill will be good for the public by giving them security, and acquiring the public trust in the criminal justice system. The bill will also allow the judicial system to attach long sentences, and keep the violent criminal offenders in prison for the duration of their sentence. Many others would vote against the bill because first time offenders should deserve a second chance if no injury or death was a result of the robbery. With arm robbery, the second change should not apply because a weapon was used and that shows the intention of using it. A second chance should be considered if the crime is conducted by a juvenile because a juvenile has time to change, and deserves help from rehabilitation services. The recommendation as a criminologist, the state legislator would prefer to not vote for the bill governing the double maximum prison sentence for convicted armed robbery. The possible reasons for not voting in favor of the bill are based on a ethical corrupt foundation by which incarcerating an individual for half if not three quarters of their life for armed robbery is not ethical because people can be reformed, and rehabilitated. For some individuals convicted of armed robbery do it for survival, a means to an end and many convicted offenders of such said crime disclose they did not intend to hurt anyone. If murder was intended, the offender can be convicted with high possibilities of receiving a double maximum sentence. The sentence will attempt to punish the convicted criminal through incarceration, counseling by teaching the convicted offender a valuable lesson, and would attempt to provide justice to the victim or victims through restorative justice. The bill would be very ineffective for the reason for increasing maximum sentence has a poor affect in deterring criminals. Butterfield (2011), â€Å"Despite the prison-construction boom of recent years, the rate at which inmates released from prison committed new crimes actually rose from 1983 to 1994, suggesting that the increased number of criminals put behind bars has not been an effective deterrent to crime, according to a Justice Department study released today.†Convicted criminals released from prison often commit the crime again. According to â€Å"Crime in America†(2010), â€Å"Most former convicts were rearrested shortly after getting out of prison: 30% within six months, 44% within a year, 59% within two years and 67% by the end of three years†(2002 Study). Therefore, the bill to double maximum sentence for armed robbery will be ineffective and should be denied. Prison policy writing comes in a form of a bill that must be voted on by the state legislator. The bill to be voted on is the maximum sentence for armed robbery should be doubled. The proposal of the bill will provide society with an advantage of incarcerating the criminal that allegedly commit armed robbery. The incarceration of violent offenders that commit armed robbery will provide some closure to the victims. Doubling maximum sentence for convicted criminals that have committed armed robbery is considered inhumane by the criminal society, especially for first time offenses. The bill will be considered an ineffective deterrent because repetitive offenders are usually sent back to incarceration. References Criminal Pages. (2011).Armed Robbery Charges. Retrieved from: Criminal Pages. (2011). Armed robbery leads to homicide. Retrieved from: Butterfield, F. (2011). Prison Boom Has Not Deterred Crime, Report Suggests. Retrieved from: Crime in America. (2010). Percent of Released Prisoners Returning to Incarceration. Retrieved from:
Friday, August 16, 2019
Miss Havisham Essay
Miss Havisham is first introduced to the reader when Mr Pumblechook (Pips Uncle) announces that Miss Havisham Requests Pips presence to play at her house. Miss Havisham fits into the main plot because she trains Estella to â€Å" break their hearts.†When Pip sees Estella for the fist time, he instantly falls in love with her. Miss Havisham sees this and she encourages Pip to do so. Miss Havisham was also, in Pips eyes, the cause of his ‘Great expectations’ Miss Havisham may also have been placed in the novel by Dickens, To explore how the effects of bad experiences on people. In this case it would be Miss Havisham being jilted on her wedding day In the first description of Satis house you get the image of a dilapidated house that has been abandoned even though there is someone there still living there. When pip goes to miss Havishams house she asks him to touch her heart. This according to her is ‘Broken.’ When Miss Havisham says ‘I sometimes have sick fancies’ this shows that Miss Havisham is mentally disturbed in the head. Satis house is an old decaying house, which was turned this way by Miss Havishams neglect. When Pip returns to miss Havishams she takes him into her wedding breakfast room. There is a rotting cake in the middle of the table. This sums up Miss Havishams life perfectly. Forgotten and Mouldy. Another thing that is made out to be strange is that all the clocks have been stopped at twenty to nine. This makes it sound like her life has been frozen in time, as she also wore one shoe, half her veil was arranged and she still wore a decaying wedding dress. This makes the readers believe that she has frozen time at that exact point. Miss Havisham plays an important part in the Novel as she leads pip into believing that she was his benefactor because he believed that she was rearing him for Estella when in fact it was the convict (Magwitch). Miss Havishams character at the beginning of the novel is made out to be cruel and heartless, however later on in the novel she turns over a new leaf and begs for Pip’s forgiveness just before she is burnt to death. Charles Dickens explores the theme of sin and forgiveness in the novel. Throughout the novel some of the people who have sinned tried to redeem themselves the other people who have sinned haven’t. In addition, Dickens explores the theme of what is a gentle man. Compyson Who jilted Miss Havisham and manipulated Magwitch into doing his dirty work was considered a gentle man whereas Joe Gargery took in pip even though he was not related to him in any way took Pip in and gave him an apprenticeship at the forge was not considered a gentle man because he had to work for a living. Dickens explores many themes in the Novel. The main one being the effects on people after a bad experience. In this case this is through Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham dearly loved Compeyson and she cast away most of her family who forewarned her that he was trouble, But she ignored them all and when she got jilted by him on her wedding day she realised that her family were right. After this Miss Havisham adopted Estella so she could raise her up to be invulnerable to the effects of society were in actual fact she was more vulnerable when she grew up. Miss Havisham also raised her up to ‘break the hearts’ of men. This in a way is revenge for what Compeyson put Miss Havisham Through. Another theme in the novel is sin and forgiveness. In Victorian society many people went to church so many people believed in Heaven and Hell. Throughout the novel many people sin. Magwitch, Compeyson, Miss Havisham Orlick and many more. Some of these people try to redeem themselves like Magwitch who became a secret benefactor to Pip. ‘I sleep rough so you can sleep smooth’ also Miss Havisham realises that that she has destroyed two people’s lives. She tries to redeem herself by grovelling to Pip. ‘Oh what have I done’ she also explains what she did to Estella ‘I stole her heart and put ice in its place.’ This shows that Miss Havisham realised how she has raised her to be cruel, emotionless, and how she destroyed Estella’s life. Other people, who sinned, like Compeyson, were killed in a most horrific way. Drowning in a river while having a fight with Magwitch killed Compeyson. Over all Miss Havisham started in the novel to be a cruel, perverted character however towards the end of the novel she redeems herself by begging for Pips forgiveness.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Safety, Security, Health and Environmental legislation
The SSHE-law is a Safety, Security, Health and Environmental legislation that seeks to safeguard the health of employees and any other person within the premises of the organization. With the changing times and a growing number of hazards within the workplace, SSHE law is vital in regulating the safety standards within the organization. The set codes of practice provide guidance on hazard identification, risk assessment processes and risk control. In New South Wales, the NSW OHS Regulation 2001 regulates the safety measures in an organization to ensure a danger-free working environment (Sengar, 2007). This is a very vital law in the current business situation not only in the New South Wales but also in the rest of the United States. The different chapters of this legislation stipulate the standards that should be met by the management. Proper implementation strategies are also vital in to ensure all parties benefit from the piece of legislation (Kidd, 2008). The chapters clearly state what the management should be aware of regarding the safety of the employees. Following, is a summary of the contents of the various chapters: †¢ Chapter 1- a brief introduction and definitions of the law. Chapter 2- risk management at places of work. †¢ Chapter 3- workplace consultation. †¢ Chapter 4- emphasizes on work premises and working environment. †¢ Chapter 5- is about plant i. e. machinery like computers, equipment, tools. †¢ Chapter 6- is about hazardous substances. †¢ Chapter 7- is on hazardous processes. †¢ Chapter 8- is about construction work. †¢ Chapter 9- a certification of workers. †¢ Chapter 10- is about licensing of certain businesses. †¢ Chapter 11- addresses permits for certain work. †¢ Chapter 12- is a notification of accidents and other miscellaneous provisions. Chapter 6: Hazardous substances. In this essay, Chapter 6, a piece of SSHE-legislation, will be analyzed to establish its risk management principles. The chapter obligates an employer (including the self-employed) to protect their employees from harmful effects of hazardous substances that they could be manufacturing, using or supplying. Hazardous substances contain ingredients that are, according to the document entitled â€Å"Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances [NOHSC: 1008 (1999)]†published by the NOHS Commission, either carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, corrosive, toxic, skin or respiratory sensitizers. In-House Safety Rules & Regulations, unfamiliar chemical is considered as a hazardous substance. It is however paramount to note that this Chapter does not apply to substances such as food, therapeutic agents, tobacco, toiletries and cosmetics, if their use is not related to work activities (Tooma, 2004). Dangerous goods In this Chapter, â€Å"dangerous goods†could mean either goods too dangerous to be transported or C1 combustible liquids (have a flashpoint of between 60. 5 degrees Celsius and 150 degrees Celsius). This is regardless of whether or not they are packaged for transport or under pressure (Bohle & Quinlan, 2000). Risk management principles in the manufacture of hazardous substances A manufacturer must first establish whether or not a substance is hazardous before allowing its use at the work premises. This is determination is done based on the NOHS Commission classification. If found to be hazardous, the manufacturer must prepare a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the substance before the substance is supplied to another person for use at work (Harrington, 2001). There are various requirements for the MSDS but most importantly the MSDS must set out; At least the chemical name of the ingredient in the hazardous substance. †¢ Its chemical and physical properties. †¢ Relevant health-hazard information. †¢ Precautions to be taken so as to enhance safety during the substance’s usage. †¢ The name, and Australian address and telephone numbers (including an emergency number), of the manufacturer. If the ingredients’ names are not on the MSDS, the manufacturer mu st present a medical practitioner with this vital information which would be useful if emergency medical treatment should be required. The medical practitioner should then sign an agreement not to misuse this information (Michael, 2008). Risk management principles in the supply of hazardous substances The Supplier should provide the MSDS to an employer (not a retailer though) the first time he supplies the substance to him and also after a revision of the MSDS by the manufacturer. The MSDS should also be given to a health practitioner. Proper and clear labeling is also a supplier’s duty in risk management. Labeling is aimed at ensuring awareness of the goods handler on the possible risks involved during handling. The label should generally contain the information in the MSDS. Supplier should provide employer with any other relevant information regarding the safe use of the substance, aside from that in the MSDS. R. (Creighton & Stewart, 2005). Risk management principles in the use of hazardous substances It is worth pointing out that the term â€Å"use†also refers to the handling, storage, transport or disposal of the substance. A wide range of measures are to be taken by the employer to aid in risk management at the work premises. The employer must ensure all employees can always access the unaltered MSDS. The employer should also label the containers holding the hazardous substance. The label should still contain the information in the MSDS (Thompson, 2001). It is an employer’s call to ensure that substances’ contraindications of certain use, e. g. The prohibited use of Carbon disulphide is spray painting, are not used in that manner. For each employee, in case of exposure to the harmful substance which could pose a health risk, the employer must provide health surveillance under an authorized medical practitioner of his (employer’s) choice and at his (employer’s) expense (Bohle & Quinlan, 2000). The legislation clearly states the kind of health surveillance to be provided based on the hazardous substance to which employee has been exposed. A register of all hazardous substances to be kept at the work place. It should contain relevant MSDS and should be readily accessible to the employees. The risk assessment report of any hazardous substance should also be accessible to the employees. An employer must identify any hazardous substance contained in an enclosed system at the place of work such as a pipe or piping system (Johnstone, 2004). Conclusion The importance of safety and security of health at work cannot be overemphasized. Absence of which directly translates to decreased productivity. This has moved me to believe that a nation’s greatest assets are its employees and thus it invests highly in their well-being. NSW, Australia’s most populous state, is not an exception as evidenced by the coming together of various organizations, including the media, to work with the NSW government to ensure the SSHE legislation is properly implemented (Kloss, 2010). The NSW Government works together with WorkCover Authority of NSW which administers regulations such as; Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 and Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Regulation 2009. These regulations support the general requirements of the legislation and provide more detail of its application. The OHS Magazine has also assisted in enlightening the public and the relevant authorities where and how to improve on ensuring safety at work (Creighton & Stewart, 2005).
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Experiential Learning Essay
The tradition of didactic learning is naturally giving way to the new era of experiential learning which allows the individual to enhance the knowledge based on real interaction (experience) with the world of knowledge. As the name suggests, ‘experiential’ itself is a way of experiencing the patterns of accessing knowledge, with emphasis on individual reflexes, at micro level and macro levels. However, it should not be confused with experiential education which deals with broader issues of educational structure and objectives. How it works? The experiential education is constructivist to the core. It depends on the active mental process of involvement of the learners. The learning builds understanding by the application of inquiry and reflection. This understanding is called the ‘mental model’ of the process. For instance we can take the mental model of the heart and how it works to pump our blood. It can be compared to an individual, or a learner guided by another, or a group of individuals working together to make out meaning from their inquiry. The process can evolve from our individual mental model and inquiries about something (construction), that can then be enhanced by our additional experiences and reflection (re-construction), and further modified by our interactions with others who are also engaged in inquiring about the same topic (re-co-construction). At the heart of the experiential education model we will find this evolving and scaffolding of learning through continuity and interactions. Why we need experiential learning? I hear, and I forget I see, and I remember I do, and I understand. â€â€Ancient Chinese proverb As the Chinese proverb itself explains a lot regarding why we need experiential learning, yet here are some more reasons why it should be opted. A simple research on thinking and learning can take you to the outcome that learning through actively engaged process can actually make a huge impact on the understanding level of any individual. What we learn by doing is something that gets stored in our data stock forever. Kid’s Play School can be taken as a simple example to establish this very fact. It’s totally unlike formal education system, where only the information is being passed. â€Å"Give a person a fish and they can have a meal, teach the person to catch fish and they can eat fish for a lifetime. †This proverb throws some more light on the topic of experiential learning and how it benefits us. At times it is also seen that watching a video clip can also make us learn things. It to a great extent is helpful. But there’s still a huge difference lingering between the two. You can easily forget the content of the video clip or maybe you confuse it with some other clip, but what you experience in real life, can neither be forgotten nor confused. Its damn clear always, crystal clear! Therefore, it is highly recommended that whatever you are learning, you should for once experience it too. Be a part of this experiential and adventurous family. Wonder Outdoors welcomes you aboard.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5
History - Essay Example ew Deal therefore was focused on improving the living standards of the rural people in American society by rightful and fair distribution of its land and other natural resources and new agricultural policies. A) American Women: American women served in the Second World War in all the departments like the Army, Navy, Air force and even the Coast Guard. They were indispensable and strived hard to tide over the massive attacks that caused so much of deaths and casualties. More than 200 army nurses lost their lives in World War II. World War II was the first time that allowed African American women to enroll. These women selflessly strived hard while working in some of the most inhuman of conditions. They cooked, cleaned, attended emergencies, did truck driving and administrative work. They worked on par with the men and are proud to have served their country so well. During and even after World War II, the American economy suffered miserably. After the blasting of Pearl Harbor where there was much destruction and loss of both life and property, the country’s industrial and civilian resources were harnessed by the Federal Government, to compensate the heavy losses incurred and therefore the economy suffered badly. The Truman doctrine was introduced by Harry S. Truman which suggested that aid would be provided by the United States to both Turkey and Greece for Military as well as other Political reasons. One of the political reasons was to ward of a communist threat. The Marshall Plan followed the Truman doctrine and served to bring about an economic restoration of Western Europe by implementing the NATO in 1949 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Truman understood that if Turkey and Greece were not given this timely aid, then they would naturally fall to Communism which would have adverse effects on the country. On the 4th of April 1949, a treaty was signed called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was a military alliance with its headquarters in
Monday, August 12, 2019
Question 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Question 2 - Essay Example This report is based on the implementation of ICT in the business strategy making process and the selected organization for analysis is Google Plc. Google is the largest market share holder of the search engine and internet browser industry (, 2014). With a diversified and huge product base they are among the industry leaders of the technological segment. The report will try to evaluate the process of ICT implementation by Google for business strategy development. Before the introduction of ICT in the business world, business processes focused on gaining accuracy in their strategies which slowed the response time of the business towards market changes. However, in the past two decades the increasing use of ICT in the business processes has brought in frequent changes that allowed the business houses to cope up with the changes in the market nature. Bossink (2008) stated that the basic role of ICT was to enhance the communication between a business and its stakeholders. But with continuous growth and modification in the strategy, ICT is now a dominant factor in every functional aspects of business. New technologies such as cloud computing have helped in business expansion across geographical boundaries and reduced the cost of operating overseas. Business houses can now monitor the work, gather, store and share information, synchronies their work process from a singular location in spite of travelling to all the places. Pollock (2010) stated that business operations have become more accelerated and focused with the help of ICT integration in the business. Business firms can now connect with a wider consumer base with the help of ICT technologies such as video conferencing. Furthermore, business monitoring process has also changed with advanced technologies such as cctv monitoring, employee tracking systems, etc (, 2009). Zikmund (2008) summarized that the influence of ICT on the business process has been mainly on the
The Challenges That Induce Unfavorable Conditions Assignment
The Challenges That Induce Unfavorable Conditions - Assignment Example Deida, in his book, ‘The way of the superior man,’ notes that men positively convert challenges into growth. He explores a positive perspective of growth that stimulates individuals to works towards realizing their potentials. This is one of the ways in which challenges helps people to grow. When faced with a challenge, a person’s weakness is exposed to him and to the society by extension and this may trigger an initiative to cover the weakness by solving it. Challenges, therefore, stimulate growth by initiating improvements (Deida, p. 61). Challenges also form the basis upon which developments can be built, especially among people with positive attitudes. A person with a positive attitude particularly identifies a challenge with the notion that the challenge can be solved. Such individual, therefore, explores avenues into generating solutions to challenges a move that identifies challenges as an avenue towards growth (Emmerling, Ghanwal and Mandal, p. 42). Exploration of the story, ‘graduation,’ directly expresses growth through challenges. The main title of the book that conveys the author’s themes for example talks of the singing of a caged bird. While the bird faces a challenge of loss of freedom, its condition prompts it to sing in an attempt to find help out of the cage. The author also directly illustrates the impacts of poverty, as a challenge, towards innovation and hard work. While the rich could easily afford clothes for the graduation ceremony, the poor class developed initiatives having presentable clothes. Similarly, the narrator explains how her mother made her an outstanding garment from what they could afford. Such an initiative was prompted by her family’s financial challenge. The narrator’s high ambitions to success were also most likely inspired by the level of poverty in their family.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Health care laws and how it affects working nurses Research Paper
Health care laws and how it affects working nurses - Research Paper Example Three types of laws govern the Public Health Law as previously discussed: Legislation, Regulations and Judicial Law. The legislative bodies of state, federal and local government, formulate the Legislative laws that have a considerable impact on the way nursing is practiced in the United States. Regulations are specific set of rules pertaining to individual while the legislation and Judicial law is based on the court’s and jury’s’ decision (Stanhope and Lancaster 124). Stanhope and Lancaster illustrate the impact of Regulations and the Judicial Law on nursing practice by stating that the state legislators will enact laws governing the board of nursing and will coin technical terms such as ‘licensed registered nurse’ and ‘nursing practice’, the board of nursing on the other hand will enforce the laws that will bring into existence a licensed registered nurse and recognized nursing practice procedures by stating all the requirements and pr erequisite (124). The writers express that in case of judicial law, courts take into consideration previous cases and give sentences in conformity with them except during the instances when the judge or the jury thinks that the old laws have become obsolete and a more valid form of it is needed. Everything that is done in a health agency has a basis in law and is subject to legal sanction of one type or another (qtd. in Maurer and Smith 124). This statement implies to health care workers and more particularly community oriented nursed since they have direct, face-to-face relationship with the patients. Rules and regulation in addition with those associated with the upheaval of the health industry; predominantly laws that pertain to the maintenance of discipline in the health sector and allotting punishment related to malpractice are applicable to nurses to a great extent. Nurses are regarded, as learned individuals with sound knowledge of the profession that they practice for their living, consumers are totally reliant on this particular knowledge for their treatment. If any patient is harmed in any way due to the nurses’ malpractice that according to a source Hall and Hall (2001) cited in Maurer and Smith (124), includes: Provision of unsafe environment, inadequate assessment, failure to follow physician’s order, erroneous medication and treatment, usage of defective technology and products, inadequate infection control and poor communication with the patient, the nurse would be held accountable for her actions and lawsuits can be filed against her. Nurses should be well aware of the laws and legislation pertaining to their legal practice of the state they are professionally working in, and should be well familiar also with any changes that might be introduced in the legislation of not just nursing but also in related professions such as those of medicine and pharmacy (Lancaster and Stanhope 125). These writer demonstrate the importance of inter disciplinary knowledge for the nursing profession by stating the example of a community oriented nurse who has reviewed the pharmacy act would be able to ascertain whether to question the right to dispense medication in the local family planning clinic or not. According to The Nurse Practice Act of New York, 1970 nursing is defined as: The practice of the profession of nursing†¦. is defined as diagnosing and treating human responses to actual or potential health problems through such services
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Physics assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Physics assignment - Essay Example This research will focus on using wave models to describe and give various properties concerning waves. During the research, there will be some demonstrations to prove that traveling waves propagate. Though, the particles of the medium are stagnant. Various properties of waves will be studied. Among the main properties of waves is the speed at which waves travel through a given medium. Wavelength is also another property of the waves that will be considered in depth and lastly the wave frequency. Another area of research will be determining the different types of waves. The distinct properties of waves will be considered in order to identify and classify various types of waves in existence. Waves make particles of the medium in which they are travelling to be displaced. This displacement of particles affects their equilibrium positions in the medium. For a string, the particles to be displaced are either small segments of the string or its sections. Wave displacement forms a crucial while discussing about formation of harmonic oscillations commonly referred to as sinusoidal waves. Wave speed: Taking a look at travelling waves, it becomes clear that waves have a source. A laboratory practical to analyses the source and behavior of waves will be carried out. During the laboratory experiment, a metal wire, sensor, pulley and a hanging mass will be connected as shown in the set up below. The hanging mass is attached at the end of the string to provide tension. When a horizontal pick is used to pluck the string just at the pulley, a pulse is created in the string and travels along it in form of a disturbance. A timer is started by the pulse created in the wire by the plucking effect. The timer continues recording the time until the traveling pulse reaches the sensor, which stops it. When the mass attached to the other end of the string is changed, the
Friday, August 9, 2019
What Role Can Nurses Play in Treating Hypertension Essay
What Role Can Nurses Play in Treating Hypertension - Essay Example The literature review looks at some past and recent articles and studies that have specifically explored the role of nurses in the care of hypertension and how this role can evolve to provide an overall healthcare provision. Hypertension is one of the most prevalent conditions that afflict Americans. Sad though it is, what is more disturbing is the fact that a majority of the American population is unaware of their own condition. This puts such individuals in a high risk position. Hypertension does not only lead to increased risks of complications, but also increases the number of visits to the healthcare facilities, leading to loss of time, money and resources. The amount and manpower that the current health care facilities bear in treating cases of hypertension or cases related to or complicated by hypertension are enormous. With time, there is more awareness about methods to prevent, and properly manage cases of hypertension. Early diagnosis of conditions along with prevention of their complications is now one of the main priorities of the health department. Time has shown many changes and trends that have taken place in the approach for treating hypertension in the United States. The figures and statistics are promising. Studies have shown a gradual decrease in the prevalence of hypertension in the USA since the 70s, with more signs of further regression. These results have been obtained due to increased awareness, better and affordable treatment and more control over the understanding of its various physiological processes. (Burt, 1995) The nurses are perhaps the only health care personnel who come in most contact with hypertensive patients. Most of the new cases of hypertensive patients are diagnosed in ambulatory health care visits. Blood pressure readings are taken as a standard protocol in any of the doctor's or other healthcare professional's visit. It is easy to see why the chances of diagnosis of hypertension in a clinical environment and by a nurse are increased. Similarly, during the different in hospital stays and procedures, the regulation and monitoring of blood pressure is one of the most fundamental responsibilities of a nurse.This becomes all the more important in cases who are known to have high blood pressures, are admitted in the hospital due to a complication of hypertension, any co-morbid conditions or diseases, or due to any surgery that has taken place. The nurses keep check and record and up to date monitoring of the patient's vitals in all of the phases of treatment. They are also responsibl e to keep check on the follow ups of the patient and inform accordingly should the need arise.From the abovec in preventing complications due to hypertension is large and necessary. It is also therefore understood how a properly trained staff can help and assist in timely notification and treatment of untoward situations. Nurses are the key players in handling patients with all kinds of hypertension. Therefore, to ensure their proper working and efficiency, we must be able to critically analyze the performances given by the profession.The review aims to look at different studies and articles that focus on the important contributory role that nurses have played and continue to do so in caring for patients with hypertension. It will look at the different challenges that face nurses providing care to hypertensive pati
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Decision-Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Decision-Making - Essay Example The soft information is defined as the information that is unverifiable and private. The private information is the one that is not available to the public and can only be sourced from the primary source of the information. Among the soft information real-time flow, real-time-accounting personal assets and debts, career history or family matters are only verifiable by the third party by quantifiable information or objective or by use of legal documents. Valid information can be accessed by the financial institution in a credible way but the unverifiable information can be transmitted in a credible way, and it requires some effort from the firms and the shareholder. The private information can hardly be transferred even within the firm. In the firm's lending decision to another small firm, the branch officials typically collect the required information for the decision to be made. After the collection of the relevant information, the decision is made by the decision-making authority. In cases like this, the firm's staff are not allowed to collect the information required for the decision-making. Thus, the hierarchical, allocated decision authorities are mandated to make the decision of the firm. The statistical evidence showed that the asset size of a financial institution is positively correlated with the soft information usage. The result is more contradicting as compared to the intuition that financial firms are less likely to apply to soft information and cast doubts on the empirical strategy.
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